Curso Presencial 2017

6. Oncología y Climaterio

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6.1. Lesiones mamarias benignas y premalignas en la era de los marcadores genéticos. TH y riesgo oncológico.

6.1.1 Breast density and cancer 2014 (218 KB)  
6.1.2 Detection of invasive breast cancer 2013 (398 KB)  
6.1.3 ESMO Breast cancer and BCRA 2011 (65.3 KB)  
6.1.4 Mammography breast density and TH 1013 (384 KB)  
6.1.5 Risk factors for breast cancer 2013 (144 KB)  
6.1.6 Risks of breast cancer 2009 (179 KB)  
6.1.7 TRH and density mamographic. 2015
6.1.8 Risk and prevention of breast cancer. 2014
6.1.9 Guidelines for cancer prevention and mamographic density. 2015

6.2. Climaterio, TH y cáncer de mama. Actualización.

6.2.1 Breast cancer and TH 2014 (2.12 MB)  
6.2.2 Breast cancer and TH in France 2013 (219 KB)  
6.2.3 Breast tenderness and breast cancer risk in the estrogen plus progestin and estrogen-alone WHI. 2013 (387 KB)  
6.2.4 Estrogens and breast cancer 2013 (729 KB)  
6.2.5 HT and breast cancer Climacteric 2014 Review (218 KB)  
6.2.6 HT and breast cancer in Mexican women 2013 (152 KB)  
6.2.7 HT and breast cancer mortality 2013 (147 KB)  
6.2.8 HT and breast cancer WHI 2013 (532 KB)  
6.2.9 Progesterone and breast cancer 2014 (1.02 MB)  
6.2.10 Breast cancer and Menopausal Hormone therapy 2015
6.2.11 Efeccts of estradiol and tibolone in breast tissue 2015
6.2.12 nihms-genetic suceptibility and breast cancer in postmenopausal women with hormono therapy replacement. 2015

6.3. Patología del TGI en el climaterio. HPV: Rol de las vacunas.

6.3.1 2012 qHPV en mujeres tratadas por CIN, VIN VaIN (141 KB)  
6.3.3 Prev de HPV en mujeres mayores Obstet Gynecol 2008 (478 KB)  
6.3.4 ASCUS in PostMenopause
6.3.5 HPV 16 in postmenopausal women
6.3.6 HPV and menopause 2012

6.4. Terapia hormonal y cáncer ginecológico (cuello ut, endometrio, ovario)

6.4.1 HT after endometrial cancer 2014 (173 KB)  
6.4.2 HT after gynecological cancer 2010 (164 KB)  
6.4.3 HT and ovarian cancer 2009 (153 KB)  
6.4.4 HT in cancer survivors 2012 (137 KB)  
6.4.5 HT in ginecologic cancer survivors 2011 (191 KB)  
6.4.6 HT in ginecologic cancer survivors Climacteric 2013 (102 KB)  
6.4.7 Ovarian cancer and HT in USA 2013 (165 KB)  
6.4.8 Tibolone and ovarian cancer 2006 (109 KB)  
6.4.9 nihms. hormone therapy replacement and endometrial cancer risk. 2014
6.4.10 nihms-ovarian cancer and estrogen. 20146.4.10 nihms-ovarian cancer and estrogen. 2014
6.5.13 nihms-steroid hormones and lung cancer. 2014

6.5. Terapia hormonal y cáncer no ginecológico (pulmón, colon, otros)

6.5.1 Colorectal cancer and hormones and estrogen receptor 2013 (234 KB)  
6.5.2 Colorectal cancer ant HT 2012 (184 KB)  
6.5.3 Hormonal factors and risk of lung cancer EAGLE study 2013 (318 KB)  
6.5.4 Hormone therapy and bladder cancer risk. 2013 (486 KB)  
6.5.5 Hormone therapy and risk of glioma and meningioma. 2010 (299 KB)  
6.5.6 HT and colorectal cancer 2014 (237 KB)  
6.5.7 HT and gliomas 2013 (1.21 MB)  
6.5.8 HT and lung cancer 2012 (313 KB)  
6.5.9 HT and lung cancer Metanalisis 2013 (2.54 MB)  
6.5.10 HT and lymphoma 2013 (162 KB)  
6.5.11 Lymphoma and hormone replacement. 2011 (346 KB)  
6.5.12 Oncology in midlife Climacteric 2013 (297 KB)  
6.5.13 nihms-steroid hormones and lung cancer. 2014
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