Curso Presencial 2017

4. Climaterio y Sistema Nervioso. Salud Mental.

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4.1. Efectos de la terapia hormonal en cognición.

4.1.1 Accelerated cell aging and hormone therapy. 2013 (204 KB)  
4.1.2 Cognition in perimenopause Menopause 2013 (320 KB)  
4.1.3 Critical window and cognition Menopause 2013 (105 KB)  
4.1.4 Estrogens hormone therapy and hippocampal volume in postmenopausal women. 2012 (38.7 KB)  
4.1.5 Gonadal hormones and cognitive aging 2011 (415 KB)  
4.1.6 Influence of steroids in brain structure. 2014 (473 KB)  
4.1.7 Neuroestradiol in the Hypothalamus 2013 (1.57 MB)  
4.1.8 Progesterone and neuroprotection 2013 (307 KB)  
4.1.9 Hormones and Alzheimer 2013
4.1.10 HT in cognition and mood fertil steril 2014
4.1.11 j alzheimers dis 2014 40 2 331-41
4.1.12 KEEPS cognitive and affective sub study 2013
4.1.13 Cognition and mood in perimenopause: A systematic review and meta-analysis 2014
4.1.14 KEEPS cognition and mood 2015
4.1.15 Postmenopausal hormone therapy and cognition 2015

4.2. Trastornos del sueño y menopausia. ¿Tiene lugar la terapia hormonal?

4.2.1 Alzheimer and HT 2014 (1.10 MB)  
4.2.2 Cognitive performance in healthy women durin induced hypogonadism and ovarian steroid addback. 2013 (510 KB)  
4.2.3 Hormone therapy dementia and cognition. 2012 (48.7 KB)  
4.2.4 Hormones and Alzheimer 2013 (24.9 KB)  
4.2.5 HT in cognition and mood fertil steril 2014 (236 KB)  
4.2.6 j alzheimers dis 2014 40 2 331-41 (247 KB)  
4.2.7 KEEPS cognitive and affective sub study 2013 (3) (285 KB)  
4.2.8 Sleep disturbances in menopausal women: Aetiology and practical aspects Maturitas 2015
4.2.9 Vasomotor symptoms, depression and sleep menopause 2015  
4.2.10 Sleep in PMW WHI 2015  
4.2.11 Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index menopause 2015
4.2.12 Sleep apnea in women Menopause 2015
4.2.13 Postmenopausal Women’s Quality of Sleep 2015

4.3. Migraña y Climaterio.

4.3.1 Migraine and estrogen 2014
4.3.2 Migraine in perimenopause 2015
4.3.3 Migraine in women 2012  

4.4. Estrógenos, Depresión y Menopausia

4.4.1 Depression and axiety Climacteric 2012 (218 KB)  
4.4.2 Effect of auricular acupunture on peri and early postmenopausalk women with anxiety. 2013 (547 KB)  
4.4.3 Efficacy of individualized homeopathic treatment and fluexetine for depression in peri and postmenopausal women. 2014 (413 KB)  
4.4.4 Hormone-relatedfactorsandpost-menopausalonsetdepression 2015
4.4.5 Effects of Estradiol Withdrawal on Mood in Women 2015
4.4.6 Symptoms of Depressed Mood, Disturbed Sleep, SWAN 2015

4.5. Trastornos de ansiedad y depresión en el climaterio: su manejo clínico.

4.5.1 Effect of auricular acupunture on peri and early postmenopausalk women with anxiety. 2013 (547 KB)
4.5.2 Efficacy of individualized homeopathic treatment and fluexetine for depression in peri and postmenopausal women. 2014 (413 KB)
4.5.3 Perimenopausal patiens with anxiety-depression disorder. 2011 (332 KB)
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